Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): ACahya OJS Theme

This year issue is dedicated to those who used this theme and were satisfied with the theme
The Most Valuable Theme for The Open Journal System Theme Open Journal System menarik dan terjangkau
Ade Cahya, S.Kom (1)(1) STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru, IndonesiaAbstract : 534PDF : 41-4 -
Makala : ACahya Open Journal System Theme Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus
Fatimah Azzahra (1), Dzikra Hafizah (2)(1) Unversitas Islam Madinah, Indonesia ,(2) Universitas Islam Makkah, IndonesiaAbstract : 185PDF (Bahasa) : 1025-10